Stream Pay
Whether you are looking to simplify payroll, streamline expense management, or offer modern reward solutions, Stream Pay will allow you as an employer to deliver fast, digital access to funds.

Payroll Cards
Employees don't have a bank account? No problem!
Move your entire payroll to a direct deposit and give your employees an instant payment solution.
Stream Pay Program
This card allows businesses to achieve 100% electronic payroll -effectively getting everyone on direct deposit. Businesses can save themselves from printing checks, processing and distribution, and reduce the risk of lost checks or fraud. And employees receive access to mobile and online functionality.
The Rewards Card delivers a currency that companies are using to drive results. Prepaid reward cards are growing as the most popular choice for reward, incentive, and gift options for employees and consumers. This can replace promotional items and company swag, monthly sales and service goals, or customer appreciation!
This card provides a powerful solution for companies who want to streamline their business expense programs, reduce costs and fraud, save time, and control spending to improve accounts payable performance. The purchasing card is a reloadable prepaid Visa debit card which gives employees selective access to company funds. You can set spending limits to avoid overspending or interest charges, while allowing the business to track and move money in real time.
The PerDiem Card allows employees access to daily funds that they won't have to expense later. This provides more security, control and real-time disbursement of funds. Perfect for corporate travel, business expenses, student athletes, and more.
This product is hugely impactful with non-profits as it allows an ideal way to streamline the reimbursement or funding of providers/citizens. It has an immediate, positive impact by allowing funds to be loaded instantly, remotely, and without the need to issue paper checks. The card holders will instantly receive a portable, easy-to-use payment solution that’s completely inclusive of all demographics.
This product is hugely impactful with non-profits as it allows an ideal way to streamline the reimbursement or funding of providers/citizens. It is has an immediate, positive impact by allowing funds to be loaded instantly, remotely, and without the need to issue paper checks. The card holders will instantly receive a portable, easy-to-use payment solution that’s completely inclusive of all demographics.